Since they are native to Australia I felt Lloyd needed another voice coming at him from “Down Under”.
Very clever.
He’s been like this for years and it surprises me people fell for his schtick in the first place.
There is sufficient evidence to support the fact that indeed lloyd has been doing this for years - the fact that people continue to fall for his bs is multi layered in my opinion. Speaking from my experience, when I got involved with Lloyd I had only been out for a VERY short period of time and hadn’t had 2 minutes to process the borg indoctrination, I had lost my whole social network and although I didn’t understand at the time, I wanted to belong again somewhere. I was so busy learning about the lies of the borg that I didn’t even consider Lloyd’s behaviour over many years and that there was even a problem.
The other issue is that I didn’t know information existed and I didn’t happen to see anything that raised a flag to me. I didn’t know about JWN and Reddit history and that there were activists that had done YouTube videos about his behaviour.
Lloyd used to tell me that they were “activist wars fueled by jealousy” ….. and I believed him. Why wouldn’t I? He was the man with the microphone, he love bombed me, it was familiar and I belonged again.