There’s a huge detail here that he’s going through great lengths to conceal.
Hmmm…..I think you are correct 👍
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There’s a huge detail here that he’s going through great lengths to conceal.
Hmmm…..I think you are correct 👍
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Nothing James Lloyd Evans says/does surprises me anymore
My favourite question that lloyd side stepped was whether prostitution was illegal in Croatia 😂😂
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as well as another particular kink I’m not at liberty to reveal.
I’m going to speculate here and propose that Mr Evans perhaps prefers “Greek” style sex 🤷♀️🤷♀️
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Please just change the record, I'm yawning.
You don’t have to read this thread if it’s that boring you know 😊👍
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LMAO, while you lot are sitting around wasting your time watching EVERY movement of LE, he is actually enjoying life. How many years did you waste on WT, 30 years for me, and now you keep on wasting it on an ex-JW. Go figure........
How do you know he is enjoying his life? You should never assess a persons “reality” based on the “highlight reel” of social media 💗
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I do not believe in the left/right paradigm, as it is yet another cult-like ideology that is designed to divide.
This is a very interesting comment - I’m firmly in the “I don’t even understand this shit” when it comes to left and right and politics HOWEVER as a casual observer, I have noticed the black and white, defend to the end, if your not with me your dead to me culture that is created by the paradigm ….. and yes it is culty…..why can’t people just get informed and make their own decisions …. You make a very interesting point !
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but is it the same in Croatian law?
Well that’s an interesting question. It is different yes, as in the “perpetrator” has to convince the court that the true facts were made for legitimate reason. Lloyd must inform the court of exactly what isn’t true and why they aren’t true.
Article 6 of the ECHR states that:
It is a human right of the EU that anyone accused of a criminal offense is innocent until proven guilty. Croatia cannot therefore place the burden of proof entirely upon a “defendant” to prove they aren’t guilty.
I thought I’d throw this in also:
“Aliens” = M7
Question for each to work out for themselves:
Is the act of “criminal defamation” a “criminal offence” at the locations of where the M7 committed the “crimes”?
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Poor Novosel office.
I don’t think they realised what kind of client they had. I understand that they are no longer representing him however again, I haven’t received form as l notification.
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This case is so weak and insane that I’d imagine the Croatian government would take measures to shut this case down and have it dismissed should a judge be foolish enough to serve parties overseas.
I am informed that the Croatian court has already refused once to issue subpoenas for this court case, however I’ve not been informed formally. I wonder how many years he is going to spin this bullshit…..kinda reminds me of WT and their “Armageddon” fantasy.
Croatian law allows a citizen to make this complaint directly to the court instead of the police. The court then makes a determination whether or not a crime occurred with evidence which makes it worth prosecuting, like the police normally do.This is my understanding yes. Again, I’ve been informally advised that the court have yet to be convinced that there is a case to answer.