Will we someday get to hear how you received that "on the record" info?
Lloyd told us all, he can’t afford to keep his channel open therefore he will use this as his excuse for his failure to deliver on his law suit bullshit.
original reddit post (removed).
Will we someday get to hear how you received that "on the record" info?
Lloyd told us all, he can’t afford to keep his channel open therefore he will use this as his excuse for his failure to deliver on his law suit bullshit.
original reddit post (removed).
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More copy paste lies from Silvio.
Hmmm….can someone please explain to me exactly when I said he paid for sex in Thailand? Read my initial statement. Then listen to every interview that I’ve ever done. As far as I’m aware lloyd only went to Thailand once so I clearly wasn’t speaking about Thailand in my statement.
Fun fact. Lloyd was in Thailand.
Then read his Facebook statement. I think you will find that it was actually Lloyd who said he had sex with sex workers in Thailand. Quite frankly I’ve had about enough of his bullshit and lies.
And also, my name is Kim. I don’t have any friends or relatives that call me Silvio. Lloyd has never called me Silvio prior to this. Does this make him feel powerful or does he do this to make me look like a criminal?
The only good thing about him calling me out is the fact that this no longer generates a visit from his flying monkeys. Small win I guess 😒
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it must be a nice feeling that even when he's short of cash and a week away from payday, all it takes are a series of tweets that all but threaten to ditch the channel altogether to get several hundred dollars' worth of tax-free PayPal infusions
I’m sure many people would like the same facility in their lives. The sad reality is this - some of the people who contribute to lloyd have more week that funds left on a regular basis and don’t realise how much money he has made and think that his need is greater than theirs 😞
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with Arthur Weber who was never a JW
Classic example of the blind manipulation. If only Arthur knew what lloyd used to say about him behind his back. Another red flag that I should have picked up on. Seems Arthur’s ok to use again when he has no other options ….
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There’s a huge detail here that he’s going through great lengths to conceal.
Hmmm…..I think you are correct 👍
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Nothing James Lloyd Evans says/does surprises me anymore
My favourite question that lloyd side stepped was whether prostitution was illegal in Croatia 😂😂
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as well as another particular kink I’m not at liberty to reveal.
I’m going to speculate here and propose that Mr Evans perhaps prefers “Greek” style sex 🤷♀️🤷♀️
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Please just change the record, I'm yawning.
You don’t have to read this thread if it’s that boring you know 😊👍
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LMAO, while you lot are sitting around wasting your time watching EVERY movement of LE, he is actually enjoying life. How many years did you waste on WT, 30 years for me, and now you keep on wasting it on an ex-JW. Go figure........
How do you know he is enjoying his life? You should never assess a persons “reality” based on the “highlight reel” of social media 💗