Nothing lasts forever.
Thank you for your comment, and you are so right about the beginning to end journey of cedars x
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Nothing lasts forever.
Thank you for your comment, and you are so right about the beginning to end journey of cedars x
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This really has to be one of the most dumbshit lawsuits ever filed that wasn’t handwritten by a deranged prisoner with nothing else better to do.
For this and MANY other reasons, I agree.
What his choice to try this lawsuit crap has shown me really clearly is that he has managed to silence many for years using this tactic, but this time he cannot prevail. Hell he can’t even issue a document showing his claims that he lodged with the court. If he were genuine and had a legitimate claim I would have thought he would be happy for everyone to see it. He has published iicsa documentation after all 🤷‍♀️
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I thought that email was in reference to the Texas dates he had set up through a dating app.
It must be even weirder as it refers to his experiences in Thailand.
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I was absolutely mortified when he said that publicly……he has the hide to cry victim because he suffered a “maaaassssiivee” privacy breach ….. but he said that …. Right….
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2a Lloyd makes a video he needs to take a break to re evaluate his life because he couldn't get enough sex out of Dijana and this damaged his mental health
I think he was angry because she wouldn’t agree to his open marriage proposal. I don’t think he was interested in sex with Dijana. I think he only wanted her to maintain the married man facade, to look after his children and to be his housekeeper and personal chef. 🤷‍♀️
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it would seem to me that he might have been trying to involve others to convince Dijana to reconsider the open relationship demand?
I agree with this thought đź‘Ť
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still has over 100K followers on YouTube
There is some evidence to suggest that some of those num have been purchased 🤷‍♀️
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I believed him to be a dishonest POS when I first came across him, and my opinion of him has never improved, but has certainly gotten much worse.
I think he has always been like this, we just see his true colours more often now as he is being called out for his bs more 🤷‍♀️
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as having the maturity of a teenager who is going out of his way to be noticed.
And a teenager that has no desire to take responsibility for any of his actions ….