Where’s Tibor when we need him?
I feel like an idiot continually saying “I couldn’t agree with you more LMSA, again, I do.
So I’ll ask about Tibor….has he responded to your last message yet?
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Where’s Tibor when we need him?
I feel like an idiot continually saying “I couldn’t agree with you more LMSA, again, I do.
So I’ll ask about Tibor….has he responded to your last message yet?
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Didn’t tibor go over to “help” him build the shed? I’m pretty sure he did….
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I could not agree with your comment more. (again)
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But he’d rather spend YOUR money.
the math ain’t math’s I’m afraid, and I think you are 100% correct.
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That video should be ample warning to Tibor
I highly doubt Tibor has seen that video. Lloyd never shared patreon information with him and last I knew he didn’t have access to those videos.
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We need stupid people around us so we can understand we ain't
Sounds like the words of a wise man 👍
But for generations? Are people really going to need him or care about him for generations?
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So, I’ve had to, obviously devote funds to taking legal action, and that’s ongoing because the judicial process here in Croatia is painfully slow. But in any case, that’s summarising for you what happened last year.
Nope, it’s because your claim is rediculous….
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how are his existing patrons supposed to react to the news that he needs around 100-220 more of them to stay afloat? Do they increase their own payments? Do they find others and get them to join? That doesn't work
My guess….a “go fund me” campaign to pay for the mounting legal cost of the titanic defamation claim …. Hint: the boat sinks at the end of the movie, just like his bullshit claim.
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I’m obviously still taking legal action to deal with all of that because there was a heavy heavy financial loss, and quite apart from the financial loss, I worked really really hard on my body of work to build, you know, this resource – the channel, that I really hope will benefit generations to come.
What is he actually saying here? “For generations to come”? What F***ed up definition of generation is he referring to ? Shouldn’t he be hoping that WT won’t be a thing in this generation….or is he referring to the next generation of people leaving the borg? Or something else? Honestly …..I need to know the answer to this question!
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It’s clear he absolutely hates doing videos about Watchtower now but he needs the money
The facts are glowing today 👍