Why is everyone interested in his accounts?
I’m not a number cruncher but I think people trust very little to nothing lloyd says and they want to check. Seems they have good reason to not believe him when he says he has no money 🤷♀️
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Why is everyone interested in his accounts?
I’m not a number cruncher but I think people trust very little to nothing lloyd says and they want to check. Seems they have good reason to not believe him when he says he has no money 🤷♀️
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I am not convinced
I am not convinced either, I make a great bricklayer when it comes to accounting…. He could have done anything 🤷♀️🤷♀️
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section 3.1.1 states that income is derived from "sales revenue." What is being sold?
Unless the companies have been restructured, the “publishing” side of the business (ie the books) are distributed through Lloyds UK company, not Ipsilon.
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take a look at those financials.
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I understand the JW analogy but I think it’s a little bit off.
Upon considering your opinion, I can definitely see your point. I don’t know much about the Scientology situation but I do agree that Lloyd has similar traits to the one you reference 👍
We still have a few more meltdowns to experience
Really? Surely he has no meltdowns left …..
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I’m just sick about this…..I knew people were being taken advantage of but This is next level…..I am not angry - I’m sick, shocked and so so so sad 😔
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This makes me feel so sick….I realise even to this minute that in spite of all that I know about him, I still hold a vulnerable belief that he is not as disgusting as some people think and that he will do the right thing…..clearly I am a f***ing idiot 😢
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He gets to claim his business as a loss and he somehow blew€41,615 when considering the difference in what was in his account at the end of 2021 to what he had in 2022. This is on top of his wages received and paid out.
Where did he go in Dec/Jan 2021?
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I do find it. Incredibly disappointing when XJW have a go at each other, I’m sure he is the worse culprit for this
I have done a lot of research on this subject and I think he is the only one that “has a go” at exjw’s. There have been quite a few people from the past who have called Lloyd out for hypocritical behaviour and he has gone postal about it.
There are others who have given a genuine opinion or asked a legitimate question that have been shouted down, insulted, called names and blocked. 99% of the ones I saw were genuinely trying to have a conversation, but lloyd sees everything as a criticism and doesn’t appear to want to have a discussion, he just wants to be right and unquestioned.
interestingly, the concept of “activist wars”, “exjw infighting” “jealous” etc etc come from lloyd. What most people don’t do is ask the question “why”.
Why would other exjw’s and activists do that? What are they actually upset about? Why is it (in the vast majority of times) that it’s Lloyd v another or group of activists?
My research from the past found that the vast majority of the community heard lloyd say these things and they believed him without thinking for themselves, without independent thought or research and then sought to defend him blindly…hence the birth of the “cedarites/flying monkeys”.
I have seen some situations where exjw’s have called lloyd names, harshly criticized him, made fun of him etc.
Many of these people have been bashed and bashed by Lloyd and the cedarites of many many years. When I weigh up “why” they have behaved like that, I can understand. Many of these people genuinely care about exjw’s and I can understand why they behave the way they do.
There are some who have stood in criticism of me for refusing to “move on” and I’ve had my share of cedarite attention over the last year or so.
There has been so much damage done to the community - and to the activism movement - for so many years because of Lloyd’s behaviour. I care about the community and the activism movement.
Lloyd wants people to believe that I (and others) are jealous, vindictive, have a grudge etc. Nothing could be further from the truth.
His behaviour is not acceptable and his reaction to being called out for this behaviour is even worse. His response to the consequences of his behaviour and reaction to his behaviour are now being born by the whole community - especially his own supporters who are now in effect being “threatened” with the decision to financially support him or lose him forever.
I find this behaviour particularly reprehensible given that in the last day or so his financial situation for 2022 has been made known, clearly indicating that his wages/cost of living situation is quite decent in Croatia to many other people around the world. Many people who support him are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. Lloyd is so unaware of the reality of life that he seems it appropriate to tell the community where he would ideally like his income to be so that he can continue to grow his company.
I DO NOT like to draw comparisons between peoples behaviour and the borg however in this instance it’s appropriate.
Turn your mind back to when you were a JW. If the borg came out and told you that they would have to close down all the Kingdom Halls, branches and publishing work as they could no longer afford it - what would you do as a JW? I think it’s fairly well known what all JWs do.
And if you gave the borg as much money as you could and found out a year later that in fact it wasn’t that the borg didn’t have any money, it was actually the fact that they wanted more money to increase their already decent income? How would you feel?
Now turn your mind to bring a vulnerable, recently out exjw. Many have lost family, friends, jobs, their home, their faith, their whole sense of the meaning of life and the list goes on.
They find Lloyd, hear that he is in dire straits and give him money because they “believe” in his purpose, his work, his knowledge and his activism against the WT, an organisation that this person rightly holds responsible for ripping the rug from under them.
How would they feel to then find out that he claimed dire straits as his company is not receiving the income to continue to grow his company? That in fact he earns more than them? That at the end of the month his wage has stretched far further than theirs, allowing for him to take holidays, go out for dinner, have a gym membership, get a fancy haircut?
I have NOT once seen him tell people to stop pledging, stop making super chats, stop donating other resources that benefit him when his company was doing well.
He didn’t reduce the patreon pledge levels down when he was earning good money (in 2021 the company income was $150,000 USD approx). It’s reported in 2022 that the company paid out WAGES of (net!) USD $65,000 (approx). For three people.
I’m sure the company picks up a lot of Lloyd’s costs separate to his wage also as business expenses.
And no, he doesn’t have to reduce/stop these things to restrict his income as it’s a business. At the same time he cannot expect consumers to be guilted into supporting his “activism work” when his income isn’t up to his standards. HE CANNOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.
Did you know that the average wage in Croatia is about $16,000 USD? Assuming the reported wages were divided by three (which I doubt), that would mean that each employee of the company earnt an income well in excess of the average wage in Croatia.
And finally, how would thus vulnerable exjw feel if they found out the truth about why people object to lloyd? How would they feel when they found out that there were lots of exjw channels that they can obtain information from for free? That make the sane effort that lloyd makes on their own dime?
That Lloyds motivation for his work is questionable? That he is in it for himself, his ego and his money?
Would this vulnerable person feel like they had the rug ripped from under them again after they realised that lloyd is no different to the borg?
I’ll leave that for you to decide.
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can you ask him to apologize to everyone he has harmed, when you have done that, can you come back and give us his reply?
Your comment is extremely fair and on point. I wish you were an isolated case, unfortunately I know you aren’t 😞