Karen is John viney’s daughter? What?!? John is very anti lloyd as is his wife and sister …..wow …..
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Karen is John viney’s daughter? What?!? John is very anti lloyd as is his wife and sister …..wow …..
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LE doesn’t manage to rehabilitate his reputation because in normal circumstances he probably wouldn’t give her the time of day.
Just the facts 👍
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Thanks for the info, I’ve never heard of her and I’ve never heard lloyd mention her. They must be good friends 🤷♀️
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That's I think the real reason why he came home
Tonus is correct 👍
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All I'm saying is, when it comes to using sex workers, people like Lloyd can't be 100% sure that a) the sex workers are above the age of consent and b) that the sex workers aren't forced into it.
Just the facts 👍
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Ad Epicus et Ultra
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Yes they have even more dedicated to them. TV shows, movies, entire forums. Like what the hell is he talking about?
Nothing but the facts 👍
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And thank you Mike and Kim for not giving up. Unfortunately, so many people have because of the troll that is Lloyd.
I couldn’t agree with you more. Mike and Kim, Marc and Cora and to many others to mention have been effected by Lloyd. I am grateful that all those who could hang in did so 💗
You have both been vindicated and should be proud of the fact you both were one of the first people to come out against this vile individual.
This fact makes me so happy 💗
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Consent from someone who can't freely give it, isn't really consent.
This is exactly one of my problems with Lloyd’s behaviour, but he seems to be determined to advertise such objections as “they want me to be a pedo”…. What I actually want is for him to stop advocating for CSA victims as he is clearly not able to grasp the concept of consent which is a fundamental issue of CSA…..
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Sherri and her husband on this site when they first started waking up.
I met lloyd through sherri and Sasha