For most people their mothers are their anchors in life, the one you can always rely on to be by your side and support you. Jehovah's Witnesses deny many of us this.
Your disappointment is shared by many of us....hugs.
i went into my mother's office to leave her a small note to say that we love and miss her and would love to get together.
i found this on her desk.
this is jehovah's witnesses.
For most people their mothers are their anchors in life, the one you can always rely on to be by your side and support you. Jehovah's Witnesses deny many of us this.
Your disappointment is shared by many of us....hugs.
i never understood why the society was against beards or goatees but completely okay with mustaches.
what's the difference?
facial hair is facial hair, whether it's above your lip or around your cheeks or under your chin.
Maybe the GB was afraid that all the sh.t they want their members to talk would get caught in their beards and make the good news less appealing. Would be less of a risk with mustaches.
i recently posted about what would happen if my mom got sick,seeing that i'm apostate.
even today i posted on a thread about blood transfusions.. i just received a text from my brother saying that my mom is in hospital and requires a transfusion to this a coincidence?.
am i being punished by jehovah, or is the devil out to get me...i dont know anymore what to do.... things are getting too much, guess i should not have joked so much in my posts..
Thank you all,
Your comments make perfect sense, I feel a bit embarrassed. Just when you start making progress the WT training kicks in and your back to square one, blaming yourself or satan.
I hope I can be rid of this filth one day and just be me, but from reading my OP it seems sill far away.
Thanks for the hugs, i appreciate that.
I think I'm going to be absent for a while from the forum, to concentrate on the situation, best of luck to any of you with these JW issues.....hugs!
i recently posted about what would happen if my mom got sick,seeing that i'm apostate.
even today i posted on a thread about blood transfusions.. i just received a text from my brother saying that my mom is in hospital and requires a transfusion to this a coincidence?.
am i being punished by jehovah, or is the devil out to get me...i dont know anymore what to do.... things are getting too much, guess i should not have joked so much in my posts..
I recently posted about what would happen if my mom got sick,seeing that i'm apostate. Even today I posted on a thread about blood transfusions.
I just received a text from my brother saying that my mom is in hospital and requires a transfusion to this a coincidence?
Am I being punished by Jehovah, or is the devil out to get me...I dont know anymore what to do...
Things are getting too much, guess I should not have joked so much in my posts.
just for fun, some thoughts about the paradise teaching:.
will all the carnivores be transformed anatomically?
if a lion is transformed into a herbivore would it still be a lion?
pale, you made me laugh. Now that you mention it.....Did Adam have a big bushy beard or was he created clean shaven? (like JW's require, at least when I was there.)
"And so through one man, did sin and beards enter into this world"
just for fun, some thoughts about the paradise teaching:.
will all the carnivores be transformed anatomically?
if a lion is transformed into a herbivore would it still be a lion?
My main question would be: If there is no suffering or pain in paradise, would we loose our sense of empathy and what would happen to us if we did, what would paradise relationships be like?
Maybe they would be like the relationships currently within the wtorg: lacking empathy.
i hope bethel lurkers at warwick listen to the rational viewpoint of this australian woman in the recording below.
she virtually pleads with an australian branch member as to the reasons why shunning is inhumane and how unfair it is that individuals are being held captive within the watchtower organisation.
they can't simply leave officially without the threat of being shunned by friends and family members.. typically, the branch member responds in a robotic like manner, sticking rigidly to watchtower policy..
If you have the truth, and Gods holy spirit you should not fear any information that is contrary to your own. You should not fear your members being exposed to false information, you should not fear members being exposed to apostates or ex members or worldly people, because the truth and spirit will always win. This is truth and love: Not being afraid!
Yet the GB tries to keep itself and its members isolated and controlled, under the pretense it is to keep them pure, while back at the ranch its because they know their lies will be exposed, and in their hearts they know their darkness wont survive in the light.
Its like a child grasping and closing their ears and going la la la la la, so they cant hear what your saying. Sad.
just for fun, some thoughts about the paradise teaching:.
will all the carnivores be transformed anatomically?
if a lion is transformed into a herbivore would it still be a lion?
In hindsight (no pun intended) the example of Bob may not have been a wise choice..apologies
just for fun, some thoughts about the paradise teaching:.
will all the carnivores be transformed anatomically?
if a lion is transformed into a herbivore would it still be a lion?
Just for fun, some thoughts about the paradise teaching:
The more I think about it the less I like it to be honest!
i know we have all talked about this topic before, but for some new ones on the forum, or to refresh ourselves, i wanted to start this thread.. the society likes to go on about the sacredness of blood, and how it should not be transfused etc.. they liken it to a symbol of life itself.
something that should be respected and therefore not transfused.. but, what is more important: real life, or a symbol of life?.
an illustration came to mind.. if we give a bunch of flowers to a loved one as a symbol of our love for them, are those flowers more important than the love itself?
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
Genesis 9:4 "Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.
God is love.....Don't eat blood but show great love by giving your life(blood) to your friends..easy.