pale [brain] spouted:
My parents had sex in February 1984. Of the 15 million sperm I was the fastest and managed to implant into my mothers egg. I grew from a single cell organism into a complex bundle of self replicating cells that eventually became a baby. I was squeezed out of my mothers cervix on 21st November 1984.
I can present evidence for all of these things.
And no doubt jookbeard Butt-Head was hanging onto your left ankle with his right hand, trying to prevent you from crossing the finish line first. No doubt it was YOU who caused your mother all that grief constantly kicking her insides. And you caused her even more grief years later when you decided to marry that pagan. And after you had sold your birthright you kept it a secret, not informing your father about the deal you made with Butt-Head. In case you need someone to explain it to you--that was deceitful of YOU! You deceived your own father!!! And then after your deceit backfired you got all angry and wanted to kill your brother, Butt-Head!!!! Bad boy, bad boy, what you gonna do when they come for you!!!!!!!