I am compiling my reasons. You can add your reasons.
1. Education makes you to develop critical thinking skills.
i am compiling my reasons.
you can add your reasons.. 1. education makes you to develop critical thinking skills..
I am compiling my reasons. You can add your reasons.
1. Education makes you to develop critical thinking skills.
i am compiling my reasons.
you can add your reasons.. 1. there are injustices in religions.. 2. prayers to the deity people call god are not answered..
3. There is no evidence of a deity.
i am compiling my reasons.
you can add your reasons.. 1. there are injustices in religions.. 2. prayers to the deity people call god are not answered..
I am compiling my reasons. You can add your reasons.
1. There are injustices in religions.
2. Prayers to the deity people call god are not answered.
i am compiling my list of reasons.
you can add yours if you like to.. 1. religions like telling their members to pay a lot of tithes thereby making their members to be in need and poor..
I asked a man that claims to be a christian why he did not go to his church. So he said that he does not have money to pay for his tithes.
i am compiling my list of reasons.
you can add yours if you like to.. 1. religions like telling their members to pay a lot of tithes thereby making their members to be in need and poor..
I consider myself an atheist because of this.
i am compiling my list.
you can add yours if you like to.. 1. the hypocrisy in religion.. 2. religion make good people bad and bad people worse and worse people worst.. 3. the false dates given in religion.. 4. religions use their fundamental books to suit their beliefs.. 5. wrong and distorted views about sexual life.
the list goes on.
A lot of depression in religion is another reason.
i am compiling my list of reasons.
you can add yours if you like to.. 1. religions like telling their members to pay a lot of tithes thereby making their members to be in need and poor..
I am compiling my list of reasons. You can add yours if you like to.
1. Religions like telling their members to pay a lot of tithes thereby making their members to be in need and poor.
i am compiling my list.
you can add yours if you like to.. 1. the hypocrisy in religion.. 2. religion make good people bad and bad people worse and worse people worst.. 3. the false dates given in religion.. 4. religions use their fundamental books to suit their beliefs.. 5. wrong and distorted views about sexual life.
the list goes on.
I am compiling my list. You can add yours if you like to.
1. The hypocrisy in religion.
2. Religion make good people bad and bad people worse and worse people worst.
3. The false dates given in religion.
4. Religions use their fundamental books to suit their beliefs.
5. Wrong and distorted views about sexual life. The list goes on.
i am new hear to the board.
i want to share my story to you all.. i was a born-in jw, baptized at a very young age, pioneered, woke up three years ago, disassociated last year, i am twenty years of age now.
shunned by all my friends in the org.. please show me some love and share some of your experiences with me.
I am very loving at home. But I still live with watchtower cult parents. What made me wake up was sites like this one, jwfacts.com, silentlambs.com, Australian Royal Commission into alleged child abuse, and other sites exposing this witless cult religion.
When I was young, I aspired to be a ministerial serpent and a cult elder.
But after being to the truth about the truth, I then knew that there is life after washtowel idiotic, stupidity and cultic religion who uses FOG and bite mode for it's adherents to control and useless the lives of their members.
I also read books from Steve Hassan and Crisis of Conscience, which I loved so much. Rest In Peace Raymond Williams Franz for all your explanations.
Finally, before I wrote my disassociation members I woke some elders and some members in the congregation which made them to start thinking and now they do not like to shun me when they see me.
i am new hear to the board.
i want to share my story to you all.. i was a born-in jw, baptized at a very young age, pioneered, woke up three years ago, disassociated last year, i am twenty years of age now.
shunned by all my friends in the org.. please show me some love and share some of your experiences with me.
To all my friends on the board, thanks for letting me to be awake. i have been a lurker for three years now. I am wondering what the consequences of disassociation and waking up to the truth about the truth is. Just a thought.