The date 607 BCE is the only possibile date for the Fall of Jerusalem according to the Bible, the other dates of 586 or 587 BCE simply omit important biblical history so these dates fall short of the true date by twenty years. Apostates and secular scholars fail to give the Bible precedence over the interpretations of archaeology and thus fail to recognize the importance of the seventy years. The date of 609 bce is useless for the dating of the captivity because nothing happened in that year for the Captivity proper did not commence until the land was desolated in 607 BCE. 609 BCE is simply a 'furphy'.
There is much evidence that the seventy years was a period of captivity-desolation and servitude running from the Fall of Jerusalem to the Return of the Exiles and this view is supported by all of Scripture and the testimony of Josephus. There are many varied interpretations of the seventy years but not a single one of them is practical, based on Scripture, faithful to history and archaeology. A careful reading of the Zechaiah and Jerememiah texts prove the above as well as that of Daniel and Ezra and I have argued these points in some detail on this forum over the last seven or eight years.
There is clear evidence that the seven times prophecy of Nebuchadnezzer known as the Gentile Times had a major fulfillment after Nebuchadnezzer and this is clearly seen from a careful reading of the entire chapter 4 of Daniel in both the Masoretic text and the Old Greek for starters. Of course apostates have none of this but there specious pleadings well represented by the Jonsson nonsense amounts to opinion and an individual exegesis.
Further, what also proves the validity of WT Bible based chronology as developed by those 'celebrated WT scholars' is the simple fact that 607 BCE nicely and providentially begins the prophetic period of the Gentile Times ending in 1914 CE. Such a fact inspires faith and it is faith that forms the basis of prophecy.
scholar JW