Post 31
Scholar does a good job in refuting lies and decieit in connection with chronology on this forum and has done so for many years. He has not ignored anything that is said to counter his defence of WT Bible chronology. Josephus is employed nicely to corroborate our understanding of chronology and its related history. The debate about 586 or 587 versus 607 BCE has been well discussed in many of our publications by simply pointing out the fact of the seventy years and its being vital in doing reliable chronology and history. There is considerable evidence establishing the seven times with the Gentile Times and the said scholar has tabulated such evidence for the honest and dutiful inquirer. One only needs to read the entire chapter of Daniel 4 to appreciate the fact of the matter. All that you have done for yourself is being deceived and led astray by the Jonsson nonsense on this subject who himself shows no interest in prophecy for he is a hater and ridiculer of prophecy.
Braindead people as you allege do not engage in a preaching and teaching ministry from door to door or house to house which is what cults do not do and neither the apostates do for it is such public ministry that confirms the True Religion in these times.
scholar JW