isaac austin
Post 1490
Those texts in Daniel 4 explicitly relate to God's Kingdom which you choose to ignore only seeing what you want to see. In fact the entire book of Daniel is about the Kingdom as shown by the frequency of the term far more than any other book in the OT.
The Aramaic word iddanim means 'appointed times' or 'time periods' as shiown by the footnote in the NWT Reference Bible, 1984, p.1097 and this is the literal meaning of this word as shown by the footnote 29 on page 210 in the Bible commentary series Heremeneia, Daniel, by John Collins, 1993, Fortress Press.
The cataclysmic events after 1914 certainly proved that the Gentile Times had ended by October, 1914 thus vindicating those courageous Bible Students and is equally attested by those prominent clergman who in London, England published a Manifesto whic proclaimed the fact that the Gentille Times had expired by their determination in 1917.
Those 'ridiculous stream of false prophecies' as you put were part of the interpretation of Bible prophecy which proved that those loyal Witnesses were watchful as the Lord commanded and proclaimed the significance of those prophecies as part of the Gospel message so we can be proud of all that has been accomplished in carrying out the Lord's will. What then are you doing is more to the question? What Gospel are you preaching?
scholar JW