Post 621
Your post is utter nonsense.Luke 21:24 refers to a 'trampling' that began in the past with both a present and future verbal aspect however Luke here was not referring to that literal city which of course underwent many such tramplings but the focus is on what that pictured and that was God's Kingdom which would rule at the end of those Gentile Times.
The seven times does not refer to Nebuchadnezzer's seven years of dethronement but rather the period of time whence Go's Jingdom would once again begin to rule over mankind as it had done in the case of literal Jerusalem.
Indeed you can have it both ways because it is the context in this case that sets the parameters of the interpretation and this has been well explained in the WT publications. If you have a better interpretaion of the book of Revelation then let us know.
The 'day' for a 'year' rule has a long tradition and as served biblical hermeneutics very well as a timeless principle so when you have a system of interpretation then you are in a position to be critical of others.
The date of 607 BCE is not determined by counting backwards and this is a rather childish remark. The date is determined by the location of major historical events mentioned in the Bible with accompanying regnal data. It is rather providential that such established chronology fixes the interpretation of prophecy such as the Gentile Times ending in 1914 CE.
Jeremiah foretold the seventy years many years prior to Neb coming against Jerusalem and the idea that it refers to the period of 609 BCE until 539 BCE is simply ridiculous and stupid because the land was not desolated nor were all the people exiled at that time You seem to be unsure about the matter because you use the expression 'most likely' which indicates your uncertainty on the matter.
Your historical revisionism does not agree with biblical history and smacks of the higher critic who has no faith or interest in prophecy.
scholar JW