Thanks for the correction. My papers are boxed so I am quoting from Memory. Well he mentioned 537 so it is given some credibility but his silence on 538 speaks volomes. Why don't you nail your colours to the mast and say what date you prefer. What is more important is your opinion of his conclusions which certainly dont support 538?
WTS are dogmatic about their chronology. They propose certain dates, advocate and promote such dates but this is not dogmatism it is simply promoting a belief system. This indicated that in your opiniont you believe that they are adjusting the beginning of the Gentile Times. They are not!
When you claim that the NB period is fixed they you are moving into dogmatism for this is a stupid claim to make. LOL! Yes it is rather romantic perhaps poetic justice to have the rug pulled from under you by now using NB Chronology to support Bible chronology as now verified in the Nov,15 the WT.
I am having no difficulty with the article so no need to write. Its your problem not mine.
Bible chronology is now fully supported by NB chronology including all 14 lines of evidence all because of the seventy years and VAT 4956. Jeffro has simply piggybacked COJ for he may have fooled you but not scholar. Methinks the watch illustration is brilliant because it shows how the twenty hap is removed by factoring the seventy years which are missing from the NB chronology and history. Touche!
Thanks for the link to his second review for at that earlier time it was not posted. I will check my files to see if in fact I did have it. I will now look at it and save it if needed for later printing. Although at the time he seemed to be supporting the paper by Doug Mason. Some mystery here but I will sort it out eventually and let you know. After all it is bout two years ago.
Well for a person who cant use the tools I am certainly keeping you on the hop.
You ask about the tables I do not have the tools nor the competence to use them for I only have a copy of Oppolzer's Canon of Ecliposes and the Parker and Dubberstein's Babylonian chronology. I am more than happy to defer to other experts. But by the way have you written to Furuli and engaged with him so his alleged errors as I have requested of you over many years. I do know that Furuli does engage with Hunger so I must contact Furuli for a update.
Until you engage with Furuli directly then your criticisms of his work amounts to humbug!
scholar JW