Post 4170
All that you have done is made a comparison of the two editions, one has fewer words with the same meaning. Nothing significant here.
Did not Jesus say that his disciples would be 'celebrated' something about 'letting their light shine' or am I missing something.
You are wrong and we are right and dutiful for I remember that Jesus said something about being 'faithful' and discreet'
The scholarly literature certainly supports the concept of interregnum and its applicability during the reign of Hoshea and the WT literature certainly uses that term in reference to Hoshea's reign. You need to research more. There is no room for dogmatism in chronology so one must make assumptions and interpret the data accordingly. This is what scholars do all the time. Chronology is about 'making things fit' perhaps we are more honest in admitting to this fact so we are condemned by you for a little modesty and humility.
The beginning of Hoshea's reign is problematic for scholars but we have explained this nicely in accord with 2 Kings 17:1 and our scheme sets out the matter simply and fully in accordanc ewith all of the evidence. Be careful about basic arithmetic for it can let you down when doing chronololgy.
Yes you have made a pretty chart but it is simply one amongst hundreds that have been produced over decades and decades but our charts are simple, accurate, and legible, your chart requires a magnifying glass to read it, it is inaccessible.
You ignore vassalage at your own peril thus your chronology is compromised. Remmeber that accurate chronolgy must be historicall sound so when computing reigns then it is smart to know that those reigns could count from different starting points as competent scholars show in their charts.
The '14th 'year of Ahaz is the fact of his vassalge and nicely harmonizes 2Kings 17;1 for after all Ahaz' reign lasted 16 years so his 14th year was no fiction. It simply boils down to methodology, you have yours and we have our own methodology.
Semantics- Yes for now you include 'manufacturing' but to claim that our chronology is 'falsely manipulated to fit preconceived beliefs' is true of all others for was not Thiele a SDA minister?
It could be argued that all modern chronologies begin with Ussher but to for you to make that association pays us the ultimate compliment for this means that the pedigree is sound and there is nothing like being well bred. Methinks a touch of snobbery is present.
You worry me when you confess to not looking at Tilgath pileser for I believe that one must consider all of the history when doing chronology so our chronology harmonizes accurately with the surrounding historical events.
The word interregnum can mean a period between kings where such is unknown and can also mean a period without a king but whatever the case such a period was certainly present after the death of Pekah and which you acknowledge in your chart.
If you cannot work out why the dates for the Judean kings should be more certain than those of Israel then perhaps you should leave chronology alone for a short while and get back to basic Bible study.
To say that the WT chronology is mathematically impossible is an absurdity because any sound chronology is not based on arithmetic but on a careful appraisal of the data, interpreting it in accordance with a methodology. It is not arithmetic.
In chronology simplicity is everything, complexity leads to confusion and muddled thinking and error.
The difference of 'two years' is simply your invention, your interpretation of those texts in 1 Kings ch.18 for theses texts are easily explained on the basis of a sole calendation seen fro differnt viewpoints as set out in the Aid book. No you do need to consult scholarship to understand basic arithmetic but you need to consult scholarship in order to understand what you are doing. Ignorance has no place in chronology and no place for would be amateurs.
We have a different opinion about the relevance or otherwise of the 390 year prophecy of Ezekiel and I cannot help you with that for we must simply agree to disagree on this point.If your chart does not harmonize now with that prophecy then it is baseless and useless. You need to start again.
How do you know that the Ahaz' 14th year is not supported by any secular sources. Have you researched the matter so thoroughly that you can make such a claim? Whatever the case it is a valid argument and interpretation of the matter and consistent with our methodology.
Insight is no embarrassment and that is why you are compelled to use it, to read it, to quote from it
Methodology is personal, you cannot say that because one's methodology differs from another then that methodology is wrong. The chronologist decides the methods, tools, procedures, philosophy that he/she wishes to employ. For example, Rodger Young in discussing the importance of Methodology in chronology has decided to Decision Table analysis in order to make sense of the data. That is his choice.
Semantics aside: Chronology equals Methodology and Interpretation
scholar JW