Post 4262
It is your own work for it is a 'cut and paste job' based on others. Therefore, it is consistent but it is plain dumb and wrong because it does not factor in the biblical 'seventy years'. However, in saying this I will admit that it is the 'prettiest' chart that I have seen.
All chronologies are manipulated and manufactured because the Bible does not contain a outline of chronology or a list so the chronologist has to interpret and harmonize the regnal data and other historical information and this where methodology is so important. In view of these circumstances, the KISS principle is most useful and this where WT chronology is superior.
Your listing of these manipulations is bogus:
- There is an interregnum prior to the official reign of Hoshea- 2Kings 15:30
- Co-regencies were present during the Divided Monarchy
- The chronologies of the ANE should be adjusted to harmonize with Bible chronology.
- The chronoilogy of Uzziah's reign is compatible with other scholars.
- WT chronology applies a consistent methodology.
- Some of the Kings were in fact vassals so this must be incorporated in the chronology if required by a regnal datum.
- Your contrived 'one-year difference is irrelevant because our chronology for the period is purely suggestive not absolute.
- WT chronology for the period of Daniel is based on history and close attention to the regnal data.
- WT chronology is faithful to the history and regnal data in the Bible adjusted with the Biblical corrective-seventy years.
- WT chronology adheres very closely to the entire book of Jeremiah.
Boy I hoped you would post more so that I could dispense with these as well.
We never claimed that Stern accepted WT chronology because that is not why he was quoted. What Stern said fundamentally agrees with our take on the state of Judah during the period of Babylonian domination.
scholar JW