Lee T
Congratulations on doing the course but Why did you not get your Certificate? It is a pity that you did not buy the test book because it provides a massive amount of detail of the history for that Period and so valuable to have to hand if one wished to dive into this debate. I still have my essays so I may forward them to you if I feel inclined but send me your email address anyway and I will have to sort through my files.
COJ discusses the case of the Egibi business documents in his GTR, 2004,pp.122-5 which provide no evidence of the 'twenty-year' gap between Bible Chronology and Neo-Babylonian Chronology thus far. So one must make a choice between the Biblical history of the Period and the contemporary documents of the Babylonians. What must be explained is the silence of the Babylonian records pertaining to the missing seven-year reign of Nebuchadnezzer and the omission of any mention of the seventy years hegemony over Judah and the other serving nations roundabout? Such silence or indifference hardly puts a stake through WT Bible Chronology.
I would argue that the length of the Neo-Babylonian Period is problematic and far from settled as it has not accounted for the twenty-year Gap proved by the 70 years of Babylonian domination