What a pity for it sort of reminds one of the words at 1John 5;20.
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
What a pity for it sort of reminds one of the words at 1John 5;20.
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
My apologies. I have wrapped myself over the knuckles for my stupidity for I got caught up in the heat of the moment with all these responses to the posts on this subject.
The date for Assyria's ending as a World Power is problematic but the accepted Date is 609 BCE and that is fine with me because it has absolutely nothing to do with the beginning of the 70 years.
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
Chronology is about accuracy, about assigning specific dates for specific events in history so there is no room for fuzziness especially when WT critics lambast 607 for being wrong when such critics cannot say what is the correct date, Such hypocrisy!
I do not know of any non-WT scholars that support 607 and it does not matter one iota if we are the only champions of that date for I am perfectly relaxed about the matter.
Prophecy becomes history when fulfilled so what we are studying is both History and prophecy and that is why both must be examined in their respective contexts.
When you find that nonaffiliated WT scholar let me know so I can introduce him or her into the community of celebrated WT scholars
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
Yes, you must improve your comprehension skills and pay close attention to the Society's reply to your letter and to my posts mon this subject.
Chronology is a complex subject and not for the faint-hearted, further, it requires the skills of an exegete as many of the relevant texts are difficult to interpret so one must consult scholarly journals and Bible commentaries.
Jer. 25:11 describes the period of Babylonian domination over Judah and the nations for seventy years concurrent with Judah being desolate for that same period of seventy years. The following verse, vs12 begins a new pericope with the judgment of Babylon the city, its King and the land which commence after the 70 years was completed which would be 537 BCE and not before such as 539 BCE.
Babylon being called to account began after the 70 years was fulfilled and not before and such accounting is descriptive of that land becoming desolate as with the other nations including Judah.
You ask 2 questions and my answers are as follows:
A.1. Babylon was a World Power for 68 years 607 BCE-539 BCE
A.2. Unknown as there is no historical information for those nations with the exception of Judah whereupon we have the 70 years of Jeremiah-servitude, exile, and desolation which ran from 607 BCE until 537 BCE and a further 10 years of vassalage to Babylon which increased the totality of servitude of Babylonian domination to 80 years to be historically accurate.
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
That is the problem. Scholars cannot agree as to the precise calendar year for the Fall of Jerusalem whether it 586 or 587 BCE. It must be either one of these otherwise you have an imprecise methodology. Celebrated WT scholars have nailed by clearly establishing 607 BCE as the only correct and possible date. The reason for their confusion is their failure to account for the biblical 70 Years so it comes down to sloppy methodology.
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
Lee T
Congratulations on doing the course but Why did you not get your Certificate? It is a pity that you did not buy the test book because it provides a massive amount of detail of the history for that Period and so valuable to have to hand if one wished to dive into this debate. I still have my essays so I may forward them to you if I feel inclined but send me your email address anyway and I will have to sort through my files.
COJ discusses the case of the Egibi business documents in his GTR, 2004,pp.122-5 which provide no evidence of the 'twenty-year' gap between Bible Chronology and Neo-Babylonian Chronology thus far. So one must make a choice between the Biblical history of the Period and the contemporary documents of the Babylonians. What must be explained is the silence of the Babylonian records pertaining to the missing seven-year reign of Nebuchadnezzer and the omission of any mention of the seventy years hegemony over Judah and the other serving nations roundabout? Such silence or indifference hardly puts a stake through WT Bible Chronology.
I would argue that the length of the Neo-Babylonian Period is problematic and far from settled as it has not accounted for the twenty-year Gap proved by the 70 years of Babylonian domination
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
No, 537 BCE is well proven for if not then Why not? Do you have a better candidate?
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
Doug Mason
Thank you for your kind words and reference as to my character.
My qualifications for those who are interested are the following:
Bachelor of Arts- Deakin University majoring in Philosophy and Religious Studies
Bachelor of Arts- Honours, incomplete-Deakin University- Philosophical Studies
Master of Arts - University of Sydney- Studies in Religion
Now, Doug, you say that my contributions expose the weaknesses of WTS's arguments, if this is so could you be more specific and list such accordingly so that I may respond.
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
Doug Mason
The date 537 BCE has been well established and explained by the celebrated WT scholars in older and current WT publications. The key Bible references which establish the year chronologically and historically are the following: 2Chron.36:22-23; Ezra 1:1;3:1-6. Such texts provide the framework of key factors which enable one to locate such in an appropriate Calendar and equipped with the relevant facts and history one can easily demonstrate or prove that 537 BCE is the most likely or available candidate for the Return in 537 BCE.
You need to be mindful of the fact that Bible Chronology is about Methodology and interpretation within the framework of known History so do not expect something in the order of the 'Jerusalem Post' along with Photos or interviews of the Returnees dated Oct 1, 537 BCE.
a month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
If I was a dishonest individual I would not have completed the online course 'The Rise and Fall of Jerusalem' by the Tel-Aviv University and are you willing to enroll in that course of study?
Further, my friend Doug Mason will vouch for my honesty and integrity.