Half banana
Secular history finds no obvious 70 year period of exile and desolation. The attacks on Jerusalem clearly happened after Babylon had become the dominant power By 609 BCE. One of the sieges of Jerusalem was in 597 BCE when Jehoiakim and his son Jehoiachin were taken along with the Israel's elite.The major military siege and destruction of Jerusalem was completed by 586BCE. Jerusalem however was then desolated but the land especially to the north (Benjamin) has archaeological occupancy layers. No one outside JWs and the book of Ezra can find a seventy year desolation of Jerusalem
The seventy years of Jeremiah was a definite historical period of Servitude of Judah to Babylon, an Exile of the Jews in Babylon and the Desolation of Jerusalem, its Temple and Land of Judah from 607 BCE until 537 BCE. These facts are confirmed by secular history and the Ezra, Daniel and Jeemiah.
The attacks on Jerusalem could not have happened in 609 BCE as this was far too early marking possibly the end of Assyria as a World Power thus is too fuzzy a date in order to commence the seventy years. The desolation according to some scholars was only fifty years but this view is simply based on an incorrect chronology which does not account for that definite historical period of seventy years.
If it is true that only JW's and Ezra talk of a literal seventy years then that should be sufficient.