Much time has been expended trying to make sense of the 70 years of desolation claimed in parts of the Bible with no success. I have in the past presented what i feel was evidence that the so called desolation was in fact 49 years in duration and was know as such by one of the authors of Daniel. This is the conclusion drawn by most Bible commentaries and reference works. Also the matter of what actually happened verses the Bible's description of "empty land" has been posted here before. It has also been suggested by a number of authors that the significance of certain numbers (eg.3,7,10,12) to ancient superstitious peoples is reason enuf to interpret the 70 (7x10)as literary rather than literal. I ran across an interesting piece of parallelism in Babylonian texts
The seventy years of desolation makes perfect sense so as it describes the biblical narrative perfectly so there is no need to worry about spending much time making sense of it for it is History based on solid Theology.
The desolation being of a period of 49 years is simply nonsense because that is not what the biblical texts say for it is simply a fictional number based on poor exegesis of the Jeremiah texts and of secular history. One only has to consult a number of leading Bible Commentaries and the scholarly literature to see that such a thesis is without scholarly support. The matter of the Empty Land continues to be of great interest to scholars which formed a basis of an International Conference some years ago and the said scholar has a great interest in this subject.