Hi Doug
The explanation for the determination of 539 BCEis nicely covered in Insight on the Scriptures, 1988, vol1. p.453, pars.2-3
scholar Jw
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Hi Doug
The explanation for the determination of 539 BCEis nicely covered in Insight on the Scriptures, 1988, vol1. p.453, pars.2-3
scholar Jw
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Scholar is no lying crook and a character reference can be found from my friend Doug Mason and I have no money involvement with WT.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Just do the research into WT publications and for the answer to the ending of the Gentile Times in 1914CE and you will find the answer.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Indeed those same secular sources are also used to validate 607 BCE for the Fall of Jerusalem because the said scholar has always said that WT Chronology is based not only on the bible but historical and secular evidence. The point of difference is not the sources but the methodology or how such souces are used.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Hi Doug
You know full well what are sources secular for establishing 539 BCE for the Fall of babylon as a pivotal date for this well-acknowledged by scholars. Further, the methodology is also well known and is discussed in our publications which you no doubt have or have ready access to our website. The Bible discusses in such books as Daniel. Jeremiah, Isaiah etc the prophecy of Babylon's Fall as well as the history of it.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
joey jojo
Jeremiah 25 is the major prophecy of desolation of the land of Judah, its city, Jerusalem and Temple along with being brought into Exile and serving Babylon for and at Babylon for 70 years. Daniel 9:2 quoting Jeremiah's prophecy refers to Jerusalem as the city and 2Chron.36:17-19;23 again in context with that same prophecy of Jeremiah refer also to the Temple and its later restoration after the 70 years.
scholar JW emeritus
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
joey jojo
You need to commit to a careful use of Exegesis in relation to your interpretation of Jeremiah 25:8-12 for a careful reading of that pericope and surrounding context beginning with verse 1 clearly indicates that the 70 year period was for the Jews and Judah alone with its city and temple to be desolated for 70 years, exiled for 70 years in Babylon and in servitude to Babylon for that same period of 70 years
scholar JW emeritus
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
In order to answer your question you should consult with WT publications which have nicely addressed your question for that is the place to go!!!!
Chronology is not a static subject and like all other areas of knowledge is subject to change so WT scholars have seen reason to make an adjustment for that is what scholarship does for it moves forward.
scholar JW emeritus
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Hi Doug
The establishment of 539 BCE as the date for the Fall of Babylon and as Pivotal date for the dating of the OT is based on known secular sources and the Biblical record so that means that such a date cannot be constructed independently of known and recognized sources as documented in WT publications. However, in keeping with the thesis of Rodger Young's article it is all about METHODOLOGY and that is why our Chronology is different to other scholars.
scholar JW emeritus
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
WT Chronology embraces all of the facts, biblical, historical, secular and textual evidence for nothing is omitted or ignored. The facts pertaining to the reign of Nebuchadnezzar are well attested in the Bible and these form the basis of our wondrous Bible Chronology and this is well verified by the fulfilment prophecy culminating to the year 1914 CE
scholar JW emeritus