The said scholar has no time for hysterics or insults because when you insult someone that means that you have lost the argument.
scholar JW emeritus
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
The said scholar has no time for hysterics or insults because when you insult someone that means that you have lost the argument.
scholar JW emeritus
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
You come across with hysterics which has no place in a sound and considerate conversation. The fact of the matter is that 586/587 BCE for the Fall of Jerusalem is impossible because it cannot account for the 70 years thus it is falsified by the 70 years, therefore, the only possible date is 607 BCE.
scholar JW emeritus.
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
You have been misled and deceived by the false teachers. The date 537 BCE is is the accepted date for the Return 0f the Jews to Judah thus officially ending the 70 years.Jer. 25:12 only comes into effect after the 70 years had ended in 537 BCE and not 539 BCE at the Fall of Babylon for it begins as a qualifier "But when 70 years have been fulfilled" and Dan 9:1-2 refers to the ending of the 70 years after Babylon fell for Daniel observed the matter in 'the first year of Darius'.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Scholar knows nothing about intellectual dishonesty because he was brought up to be an honest person in all things.
Scholar seems to attract the crazies and the nutters who clasp at straws trying to defend the indefensible, a false date of 586 or 587 for the Fall of Jerusalem.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
The sources are well documented in our publications and are the same publications that are standard reference works on Chronology eg Babylonian Chronology by Parker and Dubberstein which I have in my Minister's Library.
You are using the wrong starting point because it should be 537 BCE not 539 BCE and when you count back 70 years you get 607 BCE. Now was not that easy and simple?
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Hi Doug
The explanation for the determination of 539 BCEis nicely covered in Insight on the Scriptures, 1988, vol1. p.453, pars.2-3
scholar Jw
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Scholar is no lying crook and a character reference can be found from my friend Doug Mason and I have no money involvement with WT.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Just do the research into WT publications and for the answer to the ending of the Gentile Times in 1914CE and you will find the answer.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Indeed those same secular sources are also used to validate 607 BCE for the Fall of Jerusalem because the said scholar has always said that WT Chronology is based not only on the bible but historical and secular evidence. The point of difference is not the sources but the methodology or how such souces are used.
scholar JW
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Hi Doug
You know full well what are sources secular for establishing 539 BCE for the Fall of babylon as a pivotal date for this well-acknowledged by scholars. Further, the methodology is also well known and is discussed in our publications which you no doubt have or have ready access to our website. The Bible discusses in such books as Daniel. Jeremiah, Isaiah etc the prophecy of Babylon's Fall as well as the history of it.
scholar JW