My argument is indeed sound because it is based on a very careful and methodical exegesis of Daniel 4 which uses at least two key terms that takes the reader on a journey beyond the events of the 6th century right up to our day. What a marvellous journey which is not a flight of fancy but one of discovery seeing the broad tapestry of salvation history understood by most theologians.
The seven times do correspond to the seven years of Neb's regnal vacancy in order to ground the major or secondary fulfilment of the tree dream. The reason for its lack of historicity gets down to the reliability of those court recorders or others who would have us depend on their NB Chronology which does not agree with proper Bible Chronology as understood by the celebrated WT scholars.
The said scholar loves exegesis and is very acquainted with its methodology so would you like scholar to teach you how to do exegesis? for scholar likes to help the little people. There are good reasons to connect the seven times with the seventy years as both time periods shared a common beginning namely 607 BCE with the Fall of Jerusalem which represented Jehovah's kingship for that is the tie that binds. Nice and easy!!!