n that 81 WT they did not cite 25:12 but in the following they do by citing 25:8-17, which obviously includes verse 12. They also agree with historians/secular chronology as to what and when the 70 years are.
That WT article cited by you does not make any mention of Jer.25;8-17 and the paragraph that you quote simply describes the fact that Babylon was to punished by God and this occurred in 539 BCE but this event was not what was foretold in Jer. 25:12. Further your last statement is not correct because most our view of the ending of the 70 years differs from most historians.
-----[Isaiah’s Prophecy 1 p. 253-254 par. 21 – He says: “These nations will have to serve the king of Babylon seventy
years.” (Jeremiah 25:8-17, 22, 27) True, the island-city of Tyre is not subject
to Babylon for a full 70 years, since the Babylonian Empire falls in 539 B.C.E.
Evidently, the 70 years represents the period of Babylonia’s greatest
domination—when the Babylonian royal
dynasty boasts of having lifted its throne even above “the stars of God.”
(Isaiah 14:13) Different nations come under that domination at different times.
But at the end of 70 years, that domination will crumble.]
We agree that the 70 years also represents a period of Babylonia's greatest domination in relation to Judah as Judah was for that period in SERVITUDE and in EXILE in Babylon which ran from the Fall of Jerusalem until the return under Cyrus. Thus Jer. 25:12 is not addressed to Judah but to Babylon and describes how as the same of Judah who became desolated, Babylon would be punished or called to account similarly after the 70 years had ended which was at the return in 537 BCE.
[10-1-11 WT - Instead of saying 70 years “at Babylon,” many translations read “for Babylon.” (NIV) Some historians therefore claim that this 70-year period applies to the Babylonian Empire. According to secular chronology, the Babylonians dominated the land of ancient Judah and Jerusalem for some 70 years, from about 609 B.C.E. until 539 B.C.E. when the capital city of Babylon was captured.]
The rendering 'at' or 'for' Babylon does nor alter the fact that the Jews were in Babylon in Exile for 70 years and in servitude to Babylon for that same period of time. The 70 years is only applicable to Babylon in its relation to the captive nation of Judah as foretold by Jeremiah the prophet. It is impossible to begin the 70 years from 609 BCE as a historical beginning because nothing of any historical or biblical significance occurred in that year. That is why Jonsson canvassed the idea that 605 rather than 609 as a possible candidate.