Anna Marina
Where is the unity Scholar? All except the Watchtower agree that Jerusalem fell in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar.There's even a high level of agreement that this was also the 11th year of Zedekiah
Unity is not the problem with the regnal data in the OT for we know what years the reigns began and ended and we know the lengths of those reigns for both the kingdom of Judah and Israel. The data for both Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah are clearly stated and we have synchronisms for the reign of Nebuchadnezzer so it easy to construct a Chronology for that period of Jewish history and a united approach to Chronology is seen in WT publications going back to the forties when the celebrated WT scholars began their research into Bible Chronology at greater depth. One such important synchronism is found in the events at Carchemish with the beginning of Neb's reign.
JW's are experts in Bible Chronology and as Bible Students have been doing Chronology since the time of Pastor Russell and have solved problems for other scholars such as Edwin Thiele who struggled to harmonize the data for the Divided Monarchy still a source of many problems even up today.
scholar JW emeritus