scholar, you speak on the discrepancy of 587/586 but you ignore the one with the WTS 607/606.
I have showed that the years the WTS has for Jehoiakim are 628 –618
Based on that Neb's 18th year would be 606
There is no comparison because there are two different scenarios: for the first, we are referring to a specific date for the Fall, we say it is 607 BCE, other say is either 586 or 587 BCE, secondly, we are talking about events- reigns of kings between years so that is why historians say eg. 607/606 BCE etc.
The WTS say that in Oct 1914 is when Jesus became king and the first thing Jesus (Michael) did was throw Satan out of heaven to the earth which meant WOE for the earth. They say WW1 is evidence of that WOE. Here is the thing though, WW1 started in June/July of 1914.
WW1 began on July 28, 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand occurred on June 28, 1914.
Simple. There is nothing to suggest in Scripture that the beginning of the Great War had to immediately coincide with the beginning of the Gentile Times. The Gentile Times ended in October 1914 by historians do not hive a specific date for the when the Great War began as different nations joined the War effort not always when that first pistol shot was fired end of June 1914.
scholar JW