I think most people who attempt to interpret the scriptures start out using exegesis and end up with eisegesis. I may be wrong, but I’m not personally convinced there is one harmonious way of interpreting the scriptures, despite using rigorous exegesis. To my mind there seems to be too many places where the scriptures can be used to support more than one position. I find you end up using your own personal preferences in deciding upon which position you ultimately chose to side with.
A well informed and knowledgeable former brother by the name of Eric Wilson also advocates the importance of careful exegesis. Despite both yourself and Eric using the same methodology you guys still draw different conclusions on many important doctrines.
Students who enter the ministry at a theological seminary learn the art of exegesis in interpreting a text and this consists basically of :
These are the basic methods that one uses when searching the scriptures. Unfortunately most Witnesses are not skilled in this art and use similar but a different method when studying the Bible for even the word 'exegesis' is not found in WT publications.
Eric Wilson, who I have some familiarity no doubt practices exegesis in his published critique of WT theology and this fair enough for not everyone is going to reach the same conclusion as to the meaning of a text so this gives to a Church imposed eisegesis- and imposed text interpretation. Exegesis is a personal approach to Scripture and that is why Bible Commentaries abound.
Scholar in studying the principal texts relating to 607 BCE debate consults with all of the leading published commentaries as part of his research methodology
scholar JW