Nope. Wrong again. Not only are you obviously wrong about the duration of the exile (as distinct from Babylon's 70 years of power from 609 to 539), but parts of Judea remained populated through the exilic period (Ephraim Stern).
Nope! Wrong again: The 70 years of the Exile is identical with the 70 years of Babylonish Servitude along with 70 years of Desolation.
Did the Israelites remain captive in Babylon for 70 years as the Bible foretold? Note the comments of a leading Israeli archaeologist, Ephraim Stern. “From 604 B.C.E. to 538 B.C.E.—there is a complete gap in evidence suggesting occupation. In all that time, not a single town destroyed by the Babylonians was resettled.” The so-called gap in which there was no occupation or resettling of conquered territory corresponds closely to Israel’s exile in Babylon from 607 to 537 B.C.E.—2 Chronicles 36:20, 21.
So you should pay attention to Stern and while we are at it you should also read Avraham Faust!!-----Additionally, though Josephus erroneously gives 70 years in one location, he correctly gives 50 in others, but also indicates a 182.5 year period that is not compatible with Watch Tower Society chronology.----Josephus identifies the 70 years four times in agreement with WT interpretation and Chronology and on the 5th occasion he refers to a period of 50 years from an event within the 70 year period.scholar JW