This is seriously the level of delusion and dishonesty we're dealing with...
Thinks it is a contradiction that Stern says the towns that were destroyed were not resettled but that some other towns weren't destroyed and remained populated
Claims that 'Babylon will be called to account after 70 years' (Jeremiah 25:12) and 'attention will be given to return from exile after 70 years' (Jeremiah 29:10) really means 'Babylon is called to account, then Jews return from exile two years later, then 70 years ends'
Unfortunately, 'scholar' is a lost cause, but other readers of the forum can see through his nonsense.
You introduced Stern so if there is a contradiction in his statements then that is not my problem.
You need to focus on the fact that the judgement of Babylon only occurred after 70 years was fulfilled and that was not at its Fall in 539 BCE any other interpretation is fanciful. Also, the verse clearly indicated that the land of Babylon would also be desolated which did not happen in with the Fall.
scholar JW