Response to Jeffro's nonsense:
Babylon's 70 years can be viewed as a round period, but the period from Babylon's conquest of Assyria in 609 BCE until Persia's conquest of Babylon in 539 BCE is exactly 70 year
False: The 70 years are viewed by many scholars as a round number in order to accommodate a certain view or interpretation of the biblical texts and NB Chronology but the historical facts are quite explicit that the 70 years is a definite historical period.
---The period from the destruction of Jerusalem until the Jews returned to Judea is 49 years, which is the period indicated at Leviticus 25:8 (bear in mind that Leviticus was completed during the Persian period, so the reference to this duration is almost certainly not just a coincidence).
False: This is a mere opinion for the 70 years is the period from the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BCE until the Return in 537 BCE and has no bearing on the sabbath years in Lev.25:8 for this was a regulation under the Law but Jeremiah's seventy years was a prophecy.
--Jerusalem was definitely destroyed in 587 BCE, being the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar including accession year and 18th year excluding accession year.
False. Jerusalem could only have been destroyed in 607 BCE with the 18th/19th year of Nebuchadnezzer, scholars cannot agree as to whether 586 or 587 BCE proposed dates for this event.
Most of the Jews had already been exiled in early 597 BCE
Many Jews were deported to Babylon 10 years prior to the Fall but the Exile did not commence until the Fall in 607 BCE lasting 70 years.
- It is also worth noting that the 'prophecies' about Babylon in the Bible, which were heavily edited after the initial writing, are more accurately viewed as descriptions of what happened framed in a religious context.--This is speculation without any evidence, utter nonsense.
scholar JW