Ha ha. The only passage that mentions âexileâ at all says attention would be given to the Jewsâ return after Babylonâs 70 years had ended, and none of them refer to 70 years of exile. No wonder he wasnât willing to provide quotes
Nonsense. You have replied in haste without actually reflecting and meditating on the passages of scripture listed for your careful and thoughtful reflection. You will notice that each of these texts associates the 70 years with common characteristics or elements of what constitutes an exile and in fact, one passage was addressed to an 'exiled people' thus it is well proved that the 70 years was a period of exile.
WT critics such as Jeffro and Carl Jonsson share a common issue in that they cannot dare mention the word or concept of an Exile of the Jews in relation to the period of Babylonian domination over Israel. To accept such a concept would falsify their chronology based on NB Chronology because if the Exile lasted 70 years as commonly believed and as it ended in 537 under Cyrus then counting back to its beginning which was the destruction of Jerusalem -607 BCE.
Thus, the historical and biblical reality of the Jewish Exile proves 607 BCE beyond any shadow of doubt. The said scholar is a genius!!!!!
scholar JW