Bonus question: during what specific range of years were Nebuchadnezzar's alleged 7 years of madness? Hint: it can't be during any period where there are actions attributed to Nebuchadnezzar.
Nebuchadnezzer's madness and absence from the throne must have occurred sometime shortly after his 18th year 607 BCE and the beginning of the reign of his eldest son, Evil-Merodach in 580 BCE. Thus, I propose that it occurred during Nebs' 19th-32nd years of his reign which would be 606 BCE -593 BCE. it was during this period according to Josephus that Neb. besieged Tyre and it is most likely that Neb's son Evil 0Merodach or Amel -Marduk reigned in his place during Neb's vacancy..
Now I have a question: Do you accept the historicity of Neb's tree dream described in detail in Dan. 4 including Neb's banishment from his throne for 'seven times' or seven years?
Now, please forward your next question and do not bother me with access to older posts. Just pose the question.
scholar JW