otta love JW 'logic'...
- 40 years of Egyptian exile to Babylon with no historical traces whatsoever... 'Bible says it would happen so it must have happened'...
- 20 year 'gap' in JW chronology with no records in all Babylonian and Egyptian records despite continuous records for every year of the known history including all the transitions between kings... 'all the records must be wrong or misinterpreted'...
But some people making a 4-month trip in a 6-month period? 'Impossible' says the non-scholar.
JW logic which is Bible-based is better than your logic.
The 40 years in relation to Egypt is in the Bible so it must have happened.
The 20 yr Babylonian Gap exists because of the difference between NB History and Bible History in relation to the Late Judean Period.
Your co-called compression of events pertaining to the Return in 538 is implausible.
scholar JW