Beth Sarim
1914 is a date the JWBorg has to stick to in order for it's nonsensical history to hold-up
As the new GB member tried to lay-out 'imagine it was 608 BCE'', just before the fall to the Babyllonians,,,they yet double-down on their foolhardiness of such unfounded dates to rev-up their dogma.
1914 and its subsequent history explains the rise of the modern-day eschatological Church known as 'Jehovah's Witnesses proclaiming God's Kingdom and fulfilment of Bible Prophecy.
Clearly,,,no one but the Borg will substantiate that 607BCE fall but them and they have to become more unreasonable with that date.
Because no other Historian Scholar will support it. It's ridiculous.
- the celebrated WT scholars and the said scholar champion 607 BCE as the only date- the only possible date for the Fall of Jerusalem based on the historical reality of the Exile of 70 years.
scholar JW