Ah yes, the JW (Adventist) doctrine of the ‘march of the World Powers’. Except, in their own doctrine, the World Power immediately before Babylon was… Assyria. And Babylon’s final conquest of Assyria was in… 609 BCE. This is completely consistent with all the nations serving Babylon for 70 years until it was conquered by Persia in 539 BCE. Even though this could be presented as some remarkable ‘fulfilment of Bible prophecy’ (though the texts were heavily edited after the events), this is not convenient for JW dogma. What a tangled web of fantasy indeed. 😂
So, it seems that you are arguing for 609 BCE? as the beginning of the 70 years with the Fall of Assyria. This is plain and utter nonsense because Jeremiah the prophet who prophesied about a future 70 years was uttered after the Fall of Assyria in fact it was in Jehoiakim, King of Judah in his 4th year and in Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon in his 1st year calculated as 625/624 BCE according to Bible Chronology. It was not until Neb invaded Judah and dethroned the reigning monarch, King Zedekiah, the last king of Judah with the Fall of Jerusalem causing the Exile that that prophecy began to be fulfilled in 607 BCE.
scholar JW