This is the kind of dishonest stupidity he has to resort to, as if saying there is no mention of a 70-year exile is the same as saying there was no exile at all. So blatantly dishonest. đ
The fact of the Jewish Exile is widely acknowledged from the time of the Babylonian invasion of Judah under Neb until the release of the Jews under Cyrus which period is defined in the biblicard record by numerous authors as 70 years.
Most of the Jews were exiled in early 597 BCE. Those exiles were told in 594 BCE that Babylon would have 70 years. Later, more people were exiled when Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE. Later still, some more were exiled in 582 BCE. Some Jews returned in 538 BCE, and the period from Jerusalemâs destruction until their return was 49 years, the same period of paying sabbaths indicated in Leviticus.
This is simply your interpretation of the history of the period. There were two deportations of Jews under Neb but the Exile as a national catastrophe did not begin until all of the population had left Judah leaving the Land desolate for a fixed period of 70 years until they returned home 70 years later to rebuild the Temple, its city and Land which by that time had fully repaid the sabbaths.
Babylonâs 70 years definitely ended in 539 BCE âwhen Persia began to reignâ, after Babylon was âcalled to accountâ and therefore began in 609 BCE, which is when Assyria disappeared from history. Jeremiah said the nations had already been âgiven into Nebuchadnezzarâs handâ by the time he addressed both Jehoiakim and Zedekiah.
Babylon's 70 years ended with the Return of the Jews under Cyrus in 537 BCE because as Jeremiah prophesied the end of the 70 years was described as a fulfilment, from that point on Babylon's judgement went into effect after 537 BCE, not in 539 BCE.
Poor Jjeffro is misled by false teachers and surrenders his thinking ability. So sad, to bad.
scholar JW