1. The preponderance of evidence based on NB Chronology advocated by current scholarship positively identifies at least two dates for the Fall of Jerusalem: 586 and 587 BCE. However, Bible Chronology based on the historical reality of the Jewish/Babylonian Exile of 70 years confirmed by secular history and astronomical records prove beyond any doubt that 607 BCE is the correct year for the Fall of Jerusalem.
2. Thus, according to your worldview the date 587 BCE is meaningless. However, true Christians as Bible students have a worldview based on Bible Prophecy and an understanding of Eschatology which not only makes 607 BCE a date of historical significance but marks 1914 CE as a year of prophetic significance creating a firm basis for faith, hope and love.
3. The date 1914 can hardly be a contrivance as its calculation is simply marking an end of the Gentile Times or the 'appointed times of the nations- a specific statement made by our Lord, Jesus Christ. Even right now we see the current earthquake in Turkey as a confirmation that we are living in the Parousia of our Lord beginning in 1914 CE. TH expression ' Babylon's70 years of dominance' is not found in the Bible but is your interpretation originating with SDA and replicated by COJ . Jeremiah's prophecy of the 70 years is described by four Bible writers- Jeremiah, Daniel, Zechariah and Ezra as a fixed, historic period of Exile in Babylon- Servitude to Babylon- Desolation of the Land of Judah and Jerusalem beginning in the historic years of two reigning Kings namely Zedekiah of Judah and Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon as 607 BCE with the Fall of Jerusalem and ending in the historic reign of King Cyrus of Persia with his Decree releasing the Exiles to Return home in 537 CE fulfilling to the very month the prophesied period of 70 years.
scholar JW