St George of England
think what you are referring to is a video on YouTube. There are several variations of this but they all start at 539 BCE and work backwards to Neb'r and then down to 586/7 BCE. This is probably the one you have in mind:-
This video along with many others of similar ilk shows a flawed methodology. The presenter simply presents the agreed NB Dynasty with its total reigns of 66 years from which it is deduced that the Fall of Jerusalem fell in Neb's19 th year as 586/587 BCE. Notice that using such methodology alone does not give a precise year for the Fall of Jerusalem during Neb's reign. Further, such methodology fails to synchronize the NB record with the biblical record which in contrast by means of the biblical-historic period of 'the 70 years' computes a precise date for the Fall of Jerusalem as 607 BCE.
The major commonality between this presentation and that of the referred WT source publication is that both methodologies agree as to a common base point as the Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE. Now, in keeping with the quoted KISS principle in the video, we can easily agree that the Jews returned home from their Exile in Babylon in 537 BCE and if we agree that the Exile was of a duration of 70 years as stated by Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezra and Josephus then their Exile must have begun in 607 BCE which is consistent with the event of Neb's destruction of Jerusalem. KISS!!!
scholar JW