Beth Sarim
Sometimes it's best for apologists to quit while they're ahead.
The said scholar is no quitter.
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Beth Sarim
Sometimes it's best for apologists to quit while they're ahead.
The said scholar is no quitter.
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
How ya going mate!
Hope you are well and going strong
Talking about age I am approaching 76 years but keeping in reasonable health so far as posting on this forum keeps me mentally fit as I do battle with our critics.
Have a drink on me and Good Health to you
Cheers, scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
joey jojo
Scholar , Im surprised that a man of your massive intellect, superior knowledge and boundless humility has the time to descend to the depths of us ordinary, simple humans and bestow your greatness upon us.
The said scholar just loves to help the little people.
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Not really. VAT4956 can be used to support 587 if you take into account planetary observations such as Saturn for instance.
The latest and most recent scholarship on VAT 4956 by means of Rolf Furuli show that this tablet can be interpreted in support of 607 BCE by correcting Neb's 37th year from the traditional 568 BCE to 588 BCE.
It seems your whole basis for 607 is your insistence that the bible mentions a 70 year exile?
Correct. In addition, the fact that the 70 years is also descriptive of a period of servitude to Babylon and that the Land of Judah was desolate during the Exile of 70 years.
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Beth Sarim
The closer you get to 'truth', the angrier the misled become.
Are you misled?
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Vanderhoven 7
Babylon fell -- 539 BCE accepted date for the Fall of Babylon
Exile of the Jews - Babylonian or Jewish Exile widely accepted as a historical reality of a fixed and known duration. Not a myth
Return of the Jews - 537 BCE widely accepted as a historical reality. Some scholars date to either 536 or 538 BCE
Length of Exile - 70 years of Jeremiah as stated in the OT for a singular event in time and place
Beginning of Exile - 607 BCE with the Fall of Jerusalem
Exilic Period - 70 years constituted three elements as a period of Exile at Babylon-Desolation of Judah-Serviude at/for Babylon.
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Funny how all the evidence ‘must’ be wrong because of an interpretation that isn’t directly stated anywhere. 🤦♂️
The joke is on you for has not the said scholar told you over and over again the simple truism: Chronology is based on Interpretation and Methodology!!!
Scholar instructing the ignorant and unlearned.
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Beth Sarim
WT Theology has survived for centuries as its antecedents go back to the 15th-16th centuries or at the time of the Reformation. It survives because it is based solely on the Bible rejecting all of the rusty creeds of Christendom and is focussed on the fulfilment of Bible Prophecy/Eschatology and its attendant discipline-Bible Chronology which originated with the venerable James Ussher.
What in fact is on life support are the many theologies of Christendom presented as Dogmatic or Systematic Theology etc which revolve around the false doctrine of the Trinity and its related Christology borrowed from Neo-Platonism and Platonism.
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Please be advised that it was the said scholar that first initiated into the world of biblical scholarship a translation from German to English of VAT4956. The said scholar was pioneering in Bondi NSW at that time and in company with Leonard Tolhurst who was the Librarian at the SDA Seminary at Cooranbong, NSW who contributed half of the expense of the cost of the translation project which was done by a lecturer in the Department of German at the University of Sydney.
Some years later another translation into English of the clay tablet VAT 4956 was done by Hermann Hunger but as stated that the said scholar was the 'first cab off the rank' as it were as he had obtained a photocopy of the original document from Tolhurst sent by mail and then hand delivered by the said scholar to the female lecturer's residence at the upper North Shore of Sydney and when completed the said scholar picked up the typewritten documents and mailed a copy back to Tolhurst.
Leonard Tolhurst was the SDA Missionary who rescued a Witness family who was marooned on a deserted island off Fiji whilst either returning or going to a Convention. This experience was widely reported by the then very popular Readers' Digest which was available in many languages. Leonard Tolhurst is quite elderly and still alive residing at his home in Cooranbong, NSW which is the location of the primary educational institute for the SDA Church in Australasia.
scholar JW
i remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
t looks like pure speculation to me. We're supposed to believe a gap of 20 years happened just because they say it happened?
Its really up to them to provide the evidence. If not, then the whole concept is wrong.
My last post provided the evidence.
scholar JW