Disillusioned JW
However the WT is very wrong in saying that Jerusalem and the kingdom of Judah fell in 607 BCE, Whereas secular chronology is correct in saying it fell in 587 BCE. Furthermore the WT is wrong is saying became king over the Earth invisibly in heaven in 1914. The WT needs to ditch their second adventist derived chronology pertaining to 607 BCE, 1914, and 1918, as well as the idea of Christ's invisible presence as king. Those ideas are rubbish - not the secular date of 587 BCE for the destruction of Jerusalem.
How can a calculated precise date of 607 BCE be wrong when you cannot agree as to whether it is 587 or 586 BCE for the Fall of Jerusalem? How can it be that a definite date-607 BCE be falsified by an indefinite date-586 or 587 BCE?
The subject of Christ's Parousia is a matter of Biblical Theology based on a careful exegesis of various biblical texts as an introduction to Eschatology derived from the books Daniel and Revelation. This means that our teachings are well established and confirmed by the facts of modern history since 1914 which course is the first part of an eschatological triennium: 1914-1918-1919 CE.
scholar you comment of "... such Bible Chronology enables faithful people to locate themselves in the stream of time by means of being able to understand Prophecy" is incorrect in regards to 607 BCE and 1914 CE. There is no personal God, not even Jehovah God. Jehovah God as described and defined in the Bible definitely does not exist.
The dates 607 BCE and 1914 CE are validated by Bible History-Bible Theology - Secular History both Ancient and Modern. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to my interpretation.
scholar JW