In just two years' time, 2025 we will celebrate the fact of the biblical significance of 1975 with the passing of its Jubilee of 50 years which according to accurate Bible Chronology proved 7000 years of human existence from Adam's creation in 4026 BCE. In earlier times, Chronologists such as the venerable Irish Anglican prelate Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656) had calculated 4004 BCE for the creation of Adam. This date has been subsequently corrected by 'celebrated WT scholars from Pastor Charles Russell's day to 1963 as 4026 BCE.
Such scholars speculated that 1975 could also coincide with the beginning of the seventh period of a thousand years - a sabbath period of rest and release as a great Jubilee sabbath. Such an event would fittingly fit into or coincide with. Jehovah's God's creative week of 'seven days' with its seventh day thought to have been of 7000 years in length according to Jewish tradition.
For me, 1975 and its attendant 4026 BCE as the date of Adam's creation demonstrates the accuracy of Bible Chronology as opposed to many other schemes of Chronology proposed by scholars in Christendom. It has stood the test of time, especially with regard to many of its significant dates such as the dates for the Divided Monarchy, the Fall of Jerusalem in 607 BCE, the Jewish Exile, the date of the Exodus and events in the life of our dear sweet Lord, Jesus Christ.
scholar JW