Barbour was an Adventist you doofus. (I suppose you'll try to irrelevantly 'argue' that he wasn't a Seventh-day Adventist, probably not understanding that Adventism is broader than just SDAs.)
Barbours's religious affiliations were complex moving from Methodism-Millerites and Second Adventism. best left to a competent historian. Refer to Nelson Barbour The Millenium's Forgotten Prophet, 2009, Schulz and De Vienne.
Correct year is definitely 587BCE. Not 586BCE. And very obviously not 607BCE. I've already demonstrated that the Watch Tower Society's mangling of VAT 4956 is impossible.
There is no correct year, for scholars to date are undecided whether it is 586 or 587 BC. The date 607 BC is the only correct date.
VAT 4956 identifies a year that had an intercalary month prior to Nisan, and no intercalary month at the end of that year. 568BCE fits both criteria. 588BCE fails both. Not to mention the more specific observations of the stars and planets that definitely disprove the JW dogma, which is why they pretend the names for the planets are ambiguous.
VAT 4956 refers to a lunar eclipse which is datable to our modern calendar and the mention of an additional month for that year thus these two simple lines of evidence validate 588 BC for Neb's 37th year in combination with the other lunar and planetary observations.
scholar JW