Post 10893
As I thought the apostates even though on the winning side are scared.
In the broad stream of discussion interpretation is opinion, we say that our interpretation is based on certain facts and on Scripture thus the matter is 'proved' for all intents and purposes. Scholar has ably demonstrated the 'proof' of 607 BCE and shown in a rational way theat Neb's dream vision of Dan.4 has a minor and major fulfillment as shown by the context and the frequent use of the word 'Kingdom' which is eschatological. It is all there in the mix.
I agree my opinion by itself counts for nothing and neither does yours or anyone elses for that matter, What does matter is what God's Word states and our teachings/interpretations are soundly based on that firm foundation as you well know. You keep asserting that scholar has provided no proof but how do you explain the fact that scholar is actively present in defending, answering questions, explaining and refuting points that are raised on this subject for the last eight years? Scholar has been very busy indeed as he does not deal with fluff, fantasy but substance.
The fact is that many scholars today perhaps the majority regard Daniel as being fulfilled during the Maccabean period thus being unable to appreciate its value as prophecy. That is a simple fact as shown by consulting reference works and commentaries. This is something you should look into for yourself.
Our faith does not depend on any date how can it be the case when that numerical figure does not appear in the Bible! The date 1914 is calculated from an interpretation of a prophecy which is Biblical and that is the Gentile Times of Luke 21:24 and the tree dream of Daniel 4. Thus, our faith is based on an interpretation of biblical prophecy part of God's Word and that is how things should and must be.
Many on this board are without faith and I can see this from past and experience, one prominent example of this is Alan F who long contended with me on chronology and admitted on this very forum his atheism/agnosticism. The very fact that there are those who oppose divine and godly teaching as proclaimed by His Witnesses is proof of the fact that those who have left the Truth are indeed without faith. Further, such 'bedarkened' one have no unified teaching, broitherhood or ministry is proof of the matter.
scholar JW