Post 10343
It is a matter of being faithful to what the inspired record says and not read something that is simply not there. The events of the 23 rd year of Neb's reign have nothing to do with the beginning of the seventy years but simply refers in a 'matter of fact' way something of historical note that Neb did in a particular year. Further, Jeremiah in 52:28-30 simply lists the number of exilees taken not only from Jerusalem but from other surrounding nations showing the devastating effect that Neb's invasion of Judah had upon that nation as prophesied by Jeremiah.
Jeremiah was quite emphatic that Judah would be depopulated to the extent of being "wihout an inhabitant" and some months after the destruction of Jerusalem, the remaining population fled to Egypt right on time leaving the land desolate at October, 607 BCE. Such grand fulfillment of prophecy proves that Jehovah is a great Timekeeper and Fulfiller of Prophecy and so it was that the land remained deolate for a fixed period of seventy years until the return of the exiles in 537 BCE.
Scholars have theorized about the deportations and the their census but such theories do not in any way disprove the fact of the seventy years beginning in 607 BCE until 537 BCE. Such scholars have debated long and hard on the conflicting numbers of Jeremiah 52 and 2Kings 24 with no apparent resolution in sight which makes for a very detailed analysis of the military campaigns of Nebuchadnezzer into Judah and the surrounding nations. Such academic studies of this critical period although interesting hide the 'elephant in the room' metaphor whicH is the fulfillment of Jeremiahs' prophecy that Judah, its city and temple would lie desolate for seventy years.
You need to undertake much more research on this critical period and the military campaigns of Nebuchadnezzer for your hypothesis to have any chance of success and if you require some assistance in this matter then scholar will help you. I suggest that you begin with THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAH: TWO APPARENT DISCREPANCIES. by Alberto Green in JBL.101/1,1982.pp.57-73.
scholar JW