Post 1855
I will ask scholar himself about the third person business.
You are correct that the 70 years chronology is about interpretation and that is a simple fact that scholar himself first brought to the attention to the community on this forum including such ones as Alan F. In fact, scholar has long stated that Chronology is about Methodology and Interpretation.
You are also correct in saying that the seventy years is about servitude but it is not servitude alone for the Bible writers discussed the seventy years also in terms of desolation and exile thus the period is one of servitude-desolation-exile. This again has been scholar's formula presented on this forum for the benefit of the wider community.
The end of the Babylonian Empire is confirmed by secular evidence as 539 BCE which is endorsed by scholarship and it is because of this acceptance and endoresement by scholars has been providentially selected by the celebrated WT scholars as a most worthy foundation for Bible chronology leading to the careful determination of 607 BCE for the Fall. This one fact alone proves the validity of the 607 BCE date as opposed to other 'wishy-washy', 'mamby-pamby' dates.
scholar JW