Eh? You need to do research mate, zero secular evidence.
What about Josephus?
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
Eh? You need to do research mate, zero secular evidence.
What about Josephus?
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
For this reason in order to construct a scheme of Chronology one needs to adopt a METHODOLOGY along with an INTERPRETATION of all of the data, historical and theological background.
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
The matter of the 586/587 BCE is crucial if one wishes to establish an accurate Bible Chronology and especially for those WT critics who are dogmatic in their criticism of 607 BCE. WT scholars use the same regnal data and in this case, we have the 18th and 19th years of Nebuchadnezzar which would be the acc or regnal years for the breaching of the city's wall synchronized to the 11 th year of Zedekiah. So, the difference is based on the fact of a different calendrical system as most scholars prefer but at what year of the monarch from to count or fix that event in history. In view of the KISS principle, it would be far more simple to adopt the viewpoint of the WT scholars rather than trying to interpret or create a chronology through the prism of different calenders used at that time which makes the matter extremely complicated.
There is much scholarly literature published on this problem as to what calenders were used at that time as to whether one should count from the Spring or the Autumn which creates a difference of 6 months. In short, this means that because of a different methodology scholars are unable to assign a precise date for the destruction of Jerusalem whereas WT scholars have used a different methodology have been able to assign a definite year namely 607 BCE for that event.
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
It is incorrect to say that WTS does not have academically trained Bible scholars for the are many such persons in different parts of the world including yours truly. Additionally, it is incorrect to say that the known historical event of Jerusalem's destruction is 586 BCE whence many scholars claim 587 BCE for that event.
Certainly, 607 BCE establishes the significance of 1914 but his more due to an act of Divine Providence and Revelation than to any man-made scheme to fit some contrivance. In fact, a study of Theology also confirms many of the basic views of those early Bible Students with the exception of Pyramidology which can be traced to scholarship which existed in Christendom at that time and embraced by those Bible Students which points to the slow emergence of centuries of Darkness.
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
No fuzzy dates but precise events with precise dates and simply laid out so that all can understand the significance of the times in which we live today. There is no room for propaganda in Biblical scholarship but historical facts and evidence which validates 607 BCE.
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
Jonsson tries to have it both ways in trying to establish both dates of 605 or 609 BCE for the beginning of the seventy years but obviously, it must be one or the other otherwise you end up a fuzzy chronology. In contrast to Jonsson, WT scholars have determined a precise beginning for the seventy years in 607 BCE with a known historical event-Destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple.
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
Methinks it is you that is in Dreamworld for your advocacy for scholarship that Bible Chronology and Bible History proves to be false and delusional. For starters, such scholarship cannot decide on the precise date for the Fall of Jerusalem whether it is 586 or 586 BCE even though COJ prefers 587 but Thiele proposes 586. Big problem here don't you think?
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
If what you say above is correct then how is it that Carl Jonsson states that it was 587 and not 586? Confusion abounds!
Why did Jonsson postulate 609 as opposed to 605 for the beginning of the 70 years?
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
Please be aware that Coffy is a 'Johnny come lately' to this debate. Scholar has debated this subject for many years and has been down every road and trail of this vast and complex subject. Suffice to say that there is no broad scholarly support for 607 but there is scholarly support for this date in the scholarship of Rolf Furuli and others.
Carl Jonsson has written much on this subject but it neglects critical elements such as Theology of the land, accurate Biblical history amongst other matters and much is simply his interpretation of the available evidence.
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
I am a great believer in the KISS principle having argued the case for 607 BCE on this forum and others over many years some decades ago. The 70 years can only be interpreted as a definite historical period of Exile in Babylon-Servitude to Babylon and Desolation of Judah beginning in 607 BCE until 537 BCE right to the very seventh month of the year inclusive. Any other theory or hypothesis just does not work despite the very best efforts of WT critics who are all over the place. If you get the 70 years right then all the pieces fit into place as well explained in WT publications over many decades.