I wish to inform you and all other posters that scholar has done this course a couple of years ago when it was first introduced on this forum. I recommend that all critics do that course and purchase the main textbook, The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem by Obed Lipschits, 2005, Eisenbrauns.
I found the course most interesting especially the many visuals as these gave a good overview of the geopolitical reality especially during the time when Babylon came to power. What struck me was the simple fact that the seventy years could not have begun in either 606 or 609 BCE. The text book gives 586 BCE for the Fall and makes very little mention of the seventy years almost complete silence
In order to obtain a Certificate, one has to complete online quizzes and assessment, in my short essays I argued for our understanding of the 70 years and the fact that the Judah was totally desolate.
I strongly recommend that all critics of WT Chronology do this course and should a requisite for anyone who wants to say something about the Chronology of the that Period-the last days of Judah. Doug are you paying attention to this?