What makes equate the beginning of 70 years with the destruction of the temple rather than the beginning of a period of Babylonian dominance?
What is the period in which "these nations" served Babylon for 70 years?
Simple. It is Jeremiah's judgement message addressed to Judah of the Desolation of the Land which is described in some detail in Jer. 25:9-11. It cannot be a period of Babylonian domination because we cannot determine a precise year as a beginning of that Period. Was it 609 or 605 BCE for even COJ is confused about the matter shown by comparing his discussion of both dates in his 3rd and 4 the edn of his GTR.
The focal text of the context is vs 9 which states that he judgement would be brought against the Land-its inhabitants and the surrounding nations all of which would become desolate and made to serve Babylon for a period of 70 years. Interestingly, the LXX omits any reference to the King of Babylon in that vs.11.
Jer. 25: demands careful exegesis which I have done in consultation with leading technical Bible commentaries and studies of the scholarly literature all of which I have done and will continue to do for I have a Passion for Jer. 25:11.