None of which refer to the destruction of the temple which is what I was asking about. I'll try a third time. Why do you associate the beginning of the period of Babylonian dominance when nations came to serve Babylon, including Judah, with the same date as the destruction of the first temple?
Because of the simple fact is that the beginning of Babylon's dominance over Judah in connection with the 70 years is linked to the time of the desolation of the land of Judah as proved by Jer. 25:11.
But not specific in setting any date which we can discern now, 2,600 years later. That was my point.'
Jeremiah did not date the beginning of the 70 years but simply equated that with an event and that was the time when the land became desolate captives led off to Exile thus in servitude to Babylon.
"Isn't admitting to genuine uncertainty over plausible alternative dates a better and more honest approach than proclaiming certainty over an implausible date?
COJ does not admit to any uncertainty for that is my reading of his discussion in both editions of his GTR. Also, 607 BCE cannot be considered an implausible date but 605 and 609 BCE are both implausible dates for the beginning of the 70 years.
How do you reach that conclusion from Jeremiah?
By reading and studying Jeremiah, something you should try!!!
When do you think Daniel went into captivity? Is there any problems with taking a plain and fairly literal reading of Dan 1:1?
617 BCE I would like to see you give a plain and literal reading of Dan.1:1 Be careful!
My alternative thesis is well presented in that initial reply to Lobsto from the Society